Thu 06 Jun

Gouyad After Dark

7:45pm - 11:30pm

Who’s ready for some Gouyè ???


Things are hotting up🥵🔥🥵this time around as we head to Gouyadville for some GOUYAD AFTER DARKwith Petite Madame! 🎉🎉🎉

We hope you can join us for yet another enjoyable & extended dance session that brings fun and laughter but also improves your dance skills and some oil in that waistline!

The focus in this class will be ‘gouyad’ which is a waistline movement, keeping the upper body in isolation. The class will also include refreshing those Konpa moves & Konpa Etiquette!!

As usual, we will start the evening with a social meet-up, drinks, treats, registration, and then commence with our 2 hour class (including 10 mins break) followed by our social to practice those moves!


The class is beginner friendly but is also suitable for those more advanced. Either way ALL are welcome, so feel free to bring a friend or partner for a nice chilled mid-week top up🍸

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